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All About Micro-Dosing

We have all heard of a "psychedelic" trip in one vein or another; either about how amazing it was or how terrifying it was. While this is a very large part of the psychedelic iceberg, it is still only the tip. In the depths of the belly of said iceberg lays a multitude of scientifically groundbreaking studies and their results, detailing a mostly positive experience in both the brain and body. Psilocybin and LSD are mainly at the forefront of these studies, both showing light in the dark for many with mental health struggles.

While both LSD and Psilocybin can be used recreationally, Psilocybin has taken the reigns when it comes to helping with mental health and stability. In the documentary, Fantastic Fungi, studies spanning from as early as the 60's are showcased spanning from as early as the 60's have shown that a proper continuous dosage of psilocybin can help soothe the internal inflammation of mental instability and help rewire frayed connections in the brain. While psilocybin is not a cure-all, it is an amazing jump start to what may be a very dead car.

When we talk about a "proper dose" of psilocybin, it can open the door to a lot of speculation and suspicion. What is a proper dose? How will I know my proper dose? Isn't a trip a proper dose? These inquires are all completely valid and important; and to offer a varied answer, the truth is that it all depends on the person.

Micro-dosing is a kind of "one size fits all" that actually lives up to it's name. A single, very tiny dose of psilocybin taken for a set amount of time has proven to be incredibly helpful and insightful to many different people of all different experiences. A micro dose will not send you to the anti verse of your mind, rather, it can offer you a gentle look inside of yourself and mind. Micro dosing is also entirely more manageable as it's simply taking a single dose once a day.

At Firebird Touch Therapy, we want to offer any and all the ability to manage themselves, their minds, and their aliments. Our Frank Mill's Magic Pills may just be what you're looking

for. These micro dose psilocybin pills are cultivated just for that; a small and easy step to take when it comes to your mental health. We want to also remind everyone who may be intrigued by these to please follow your physician's orders: if you are currently taking psych medicine for yourself, do NOT stop taking them. Consult with your physician before adding or removing anything to your personal chemistry; the most important thing in any equation is you and your safety.

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